
2 year olds that stall at bedtime, climb out of the crib and wake all night!
Do you have a 2-2.5 year old that makes the bedtime routine into a 2-hour long process, is an escape artist as soon as you put her in the crib or is STILL waking up in the middle of the night?

3rd Trimester of Pregnancy Checklist
Here’s a list of 16 things to do in your 3rd trimester to get ready for baby! If you're wondering what you need to do beyond setting up the nursery and packing your hospital bag, this third trimester of pregnancy checklist is for you!

How to Prepare Older Sibling for Baby Number 2
Conversations to have with your child about being a big sister or brother, ways to prepare your older child for a new baby, and tips for helping to adjust to having two children in the house!

What to put on a baby registry and best gifts for a new baby
Have friends or family offered to throw you a baby shower? Are you so excited to start getting the nursery put together? Wondering what things are necessary to get for a new baby…and what things are all marketing hype (or unsafe) for babies? Are you looking for the perfect baby gift? Here is a comprehensive list of what to put on your baby registry so friends and family know what gift to get the new baby - that you actually want and need!

When to wake a sleeping baby from a long nap
If you’re dealing with short naps right now, you’re probably thinking that it’s crazy to wake a sleeping baby from a nap!

Timeline for sleep training and maternity leave
One of the most frequent questions I get asked by new moms returning to work is “When is the best time to do sleep training? Before maternity leave is over or after I go back to work?”

Coming Off Maternity Leave? 10 Tips to Ease the Transition Back to Work
10 Tips to get you back to work, on time and hopefully with a bit less anxiety and stress!

Getting Ready for Baby #2? 5 Tips to Help Prepare Your Older Child
Preparing for baby #1 was all about taking prenatal classes, converting the guest room or office into a nursery, planning your schedule around the umpteen OB appointments and baby showers! The second (or third!) time around is a bit different…