Success Stories
Wondering what kinds of results families get when they work with me?
Here are just a few of the amazing email testimonials I’ve gotten from my happy families!
“We found Kim when our daughter was 6 months old and we were at our wit’s end. Every time I would FINALLY get her to sleep and lay her in the crib, she’d immediately wake up. It was maddening! She was getting no nap sleep unless I held her and nighttime was even worse. We were up every 45 minutes to 1.5 hours to feed her for just a minute or two to get her back to sleep. I was a zombie.
Then my sister found Kim online and the second night of working with her, our daughter woke up ONCE and had two naps in the crib the next day?!
Within a week, she was sleeping 11.5-12 hours overnight and taking her naps in the crib?!
If you’re on the fence, just do it. Seriously. Best decision I’ve made as a parent yet! I feel like a completely different person - and a MUCH better mom!”
— Claire, mom in Nashville, TN
“We interviewed four sleep consultants before finding Kim. It was like Goldilocks and the Three Bears - none of them seemed quite right. Our child had multiple medical issues (on top of being a terrible sleeper…or as we learned, they contributed to the sleep issues) and no one seemed to ‘get’ it and how hard it was to manage and live day-to-day.
Then we talked with Kim who has one food allergic son, has conquered asthma and eczema and dealt with 16 surgeries for her child. SHE GETS IT when your child has other issues beyond sleep and is a wealth of knowledge on navigating natural remedies.
That she is an expert in the sleep dept just sealed the deal for us.
The 2 hour bedtime drama became a fun 30-minute routine for my son and us ending in him being able to fall asleep in his bed without getting out again in ~15 minutes. He learned to stay in bed until his toddler clock said morning. He’s finally getting the right amount of sleep, it’s an easy process and EVERYONE is happier and healthier from this experience!”
— Heather, mom in Washington, DC
“My wife and I enlisted Kim’s help because our 4 year old was continually stalling at bedtime, taking up to 90 min to get her to sleep and often we needed to lay with her until she fell asleep. Then, even after she fell asleep, she was constantly coming into our room in the middle of the night and crawling in our bed. Within the first week of working with Kim, our daughter was falling asleep independently within 5-10 minutes at bedtime and sleeping through the night without coming into our room anymore! Our evenings (and life) have changed so much for the better as a result of this. I would recommend Kim and her company to anyone!”
— Clark, dad in Elmhurst, IL
“I was that person who thought sleep training wasn’t something I’d EVER do. That was before my very smart, very clever, VERY stubborn son entered the picture!
At 6 months, he was like a newborn waking every 45-90 minutes, and the only way to get him back to sleep was to feed him. I didn’t get any sleep because he wouldn’t take the bottle from my husband – only me! – so I was a walking zombie who snapped at my husband because he was getting more sleep (even though he tried to help!) and I was just irritable all the time because I didn’t see an end to this situation.
A friend suggested I call Kim and – I don’t say this lightly – she saved our family.
I was at the breaking point and she reined things back in with a plan that I felt comfortable with and worked within DAYS. I couldn’t believe I was sending her updates that he slept 11-12 hours at night and asking whether his naps were too long?!
Kim has a very confident and calming presence and a sense of humor that gets you through that first rough part! I would recommend Kim to any mom who is at their wit’s end and ready to make a change.”
— Kate, mom in Chicago, IL
“As a Certified Health Coach, I’m always reminding my clients that no matter how healthy their diet is, if they aren’t getting enough sleep, they will not be able to resolve their health issues. And yet, here I was, with serious health issues that were all leading back to my lack of consistent sleep since my daughter had been born 9 months prior.
I never saw myself as the kind of mom who would hire a sleep trainer. There were so many reasons in my head of why I shouldn’t need to ask for help on this; such as, “my baby sleeps better than my friend’s baby and she’s not complaining.” But when I finally acknowledged that I would never get better physically until I got some real sleep, I decided to call. And once I did, I wished that I had called Kim sooner!
After working with Kim, my baby is falling asleep easily – no more walking and bouncing her to sleep! – and sleeping through the night. She doesn’t cry when I put her in her crib and she’s a happier baby!
Working with Kim, I got exactly what I was hoping for (getting more sleep and a predictable routine!!). Kim has a great balance between being a strong, confident guide and being flexible to my parenting style – which immediately put me at ease. She helped me to understand the science behind the method so that I could apply her techniques in many different situations and ages.
It is now 3 months later and I still marvel at how wonderful it is to have a baby who LOVES TO SLEEP! Traveling, time changes, and teething have all come up in the last few months and we’ve been well prepared to handle each challenge with very little disruption to our routine. Thank you!”
— Kelly, mom in Chicago, IL
“We can’t thank you enough!! My husband and I were literally throwing everything (including the kitchen sink!) into the mix to get our daughter to fall asleep…both at night and for every single nap! This process involved swaddling, shooshing so hard I often felt like I was going to faint, rocking until my back felt like it was going to give out, all while running the kitchen sink water very loudly!! And to add to all of this, there was no sleeping in the crib, she would only sleep in the swing! And living in a city condo, we were walking around on tip toes all the time!
We sought out Kim’s help when our daughter was 3 1/2 months. After going to a friends house for Easter we were embarrassed when we had to ask to “borrow the kitchen sink” when she needed to go to sleep! We knew our crazy system had to stop but didn’t know how!
After Kim came and met our little one and mapped out a plan, we saw dramatic improvements within 3 days!!! After about a week, we would put her down at night, say night night, walk out of the room, and she was out! Until the next morning I might add!!! Truly amazing!!!!! I needed a plan, and Kim was it! Now at 5 months our little girl sleeps through the night, every night, from 6:30pm to 6:30am in her crib! Amazing! I would recommend Kim in an instant. If not for her, we would still be running that kitchen sink! :)”
— Meredith, mom in Chicago, IL
“People always say twins are the double fun, but when your 6 month olds aren’t sleeping, it’s just double the sleep deprivation! Working with you to get my twins sleeping – first on their own and then sleeping in the same room – was a process, but soooo worth it!
Before, they were on completely different nap schedules and we never seemed to get long stretches of sleep at night because one of them was always up! Now they’re sleeping through the night and on a great nap schedule and I have both hands free a few times a day to get stuff done (or just relax!). Thank you for helping us make our boys amazing sleepers!”
— Michelle, mom in Chicago, IL
“I wanted to take the time to give you a HUGE thanks for giving me my life back!
Before you I was sleep deprived, moody, unmotivated and just a mess. You came into my home, made your recommendations on what needed to be changed and gave me a schedule for my LO. The first night he fell asleep on his own after 45 minutes and slept better that night than he ever did. The next day he fell into his napping schedule seamlessly and slept through the night.
I don’t know what you do but you are the best investment I have ever made! He now has a set 2 nap schedule and sleeps between 11-12 hours every night. We couldn’t be any happier. Thanks for everything!!”
— Julie, mom in Frankfort, IL
“Sam and I cannot thank you enough for helping us transition Vince to his crib, along with eliminating nighttime feedings. We were very skeptical at first because we had struggled so much with getting him to nap or sleep at night in his crib. He was also waking up 2-4 times a night to eat. After meeting with you, and following your plan, Vince not only sleeps 10-12 hours in his crib, but he LOVES his crib. He wakes up happy as can be and often stays in there cooing and playing until we go in and get him. His naps are also finally on a schedule.
Again, we are so grateful for you and what you have done for us and Vince.
Best money we ever spent!”
— Lyndsey and Sam, parents in Northbrook, IL
“My husband and I now refer to you as The Sleep Whisperer. We were so very sleep deprived – for 6 months, waking to a crying baby every few hours. It was exhausting and stressful.
Within 2 days of using your approach, our son was already sleeping from 7:30PM to 5:30AM and now sleeps from 7PM to 6:15AM at a minimum. We are like different parents, with so much more patience and love to give and surprisingly his disposition has changed as well. He used to be very cranky during the day and don’t get me started on the 4:00-6:30PM crazy screaming fits. We now realize that he was just sleep deprived as well. He is so much happier during the day and the 4:00-6:30PM time slot is a totally different experience. While the sleep training wasn’t easy, it was ever so worth the work and we couldn’t be more grateful to you.
Thank you so much!”
— Michelle K, mom in Evanston, IL
“As you know, our three year old stopped sleeping through the night six months ago, and wouldn’t go to sleep unless I slept with her. When she woke up in the middle of the night (2-3 times usually), I would have to go back in and lay down with her each time.
After five months of this, I called Kim and she changed our lives! It was hard work, but my daughter is now sleeping through the night and goes to bed all by herself, with no complaints. She sleeps at least twelve hours a night, and has even gone 14 hours! We couldn’t be happier thanks to Kim!”
— Elizabeth, mom in Chicago, IL
“When we first called you, our 6 month old son was having lots of trouble with naps, going to bed at 9pm and then ending up in our bed shortly after. I couldn’t get him to sleep without feeding him and he often woke up as soon as I put him in the crib. None of us were getting any sleep and I still had to take care of our 2 year old during the day–we were EXHAUSTED!
After our consultation, I felt like I had someone to hold my hand through this process, someone who had seen this many times before and knew how to fix it. On the fourth night, he slept all the way through the night…we were in shock and so proud of him!
Since Sean has been sleeping through the night, we started a routine with our 2-year-old and she goes to sleep a 1/2 hour after him and wakes up about 15 minutes after he does in the morning. Brian and I have had smiles on our faces…every night we have been able to enjoy a quiet dinner, watch tv together or been able to get work done on time for our new business. We are even thinking that a baby #3 MAY be in our future. You have done much more than just helping us get our 6 month old to sleep.
You’ve gone above and beyond and we thank you for everything! You brought sanity and happiness back into my house…I am forever grateful and I will continue to tell everyone about my experience!”
— Jill, mom in Oak Forest, IL
“Our lives have been transformed!! Before working with Kim, our 16 month year old was waking up regularly 2-3 times a night and needing to be rocked back to sleep (and also rocked to sleep for naps). We knew she could sleep longer stretches as she had done so on a handful of occasions…she wasn’t teething or sick so why wasn’t she sleeping? As soon as we started implementing Kim’s sleep plan, we saw an improvement in her ability to fall asleep on her own. What a difference being able to do the routine, say Sleepytime and walk out of the room. No more sleep battles, no more rocking! With the right tools and working as a team with Kim, we gained confidence and sleep…and a much happier child.”
— Helen, mom in New York City, NY
“Thank you for helping us get our 7 month old twins on a great schedule. I was at my wit’s end – it seemed like as soon as one went down for a nap and I thought I’d have a minute to relax, the other one would wake up. It’s like they were conspiring against me! On top of that, they were up twice a night – not at the same time of course – to have a bottle. It was only a few ounces – just enough to put them back into a food coma!
Now that we’ve gotten rid of the night feeds and taught them how to sleep, they’re sleeping through the night and napping at the same time. It’s a miracle. I can’t thank you enough for getting our family back on track!”
— Julie, mom in Chicago, IL
“We didn’t start working with you until I was at the end of my rope and Olivia was 18 months old…but I wish that we had started sooner! We thought we were lucky when Olivia was young, since she started sleeping 7 hour stretches and only waking up once to nurse before she was a month old. We read a sleep training book and painfully got Olivia fully sleep trained at 6 months. It took a week of crying, but we did it. Unfortunately life happened and Olivia’s sleep training was undone. At 18 months, it took Olivia 30 – 45 minutes of lying next to me in a queen size bed to fall asleep. Then, after a few hours, I would bravely move her to her crib and pray that she would not wake up during the move. We tried to sleep train her again on our own and failed miserably. Olivia cried, slept standing up for up to 6 hours at a time, and even jumped out of her crib. Something had to be done, so I reached out to you.
I thought we were close to hopeless, but knew that we needed help. I had my doubts with you in Chicago and us in New York City, but I was willing to try anything. During our initial 15 minute consultation, you sounded confident that we could get Olivia sleeping in her crib. Within 3 weeks, Olivia was falling asleep in her crib and sleeping 12 straight hours – all without a tear or another jump out of the crib. It has now been a year since we worked together and I can thankfully say that Olivia (now 2.5) continues to sleep 11.5 hours a night in her crib and takes a 1 – 2 hour nap.
The tools that you have provided us have been invaluable. Most of our friends stopped traveling once they had successfully sleep trained their child, but your tools have enabled us to continue to travel and still maintain Olivia’s sleep. We’re expecting our second child in a few weeks and plan to use your services again as we sleep train our second child and introduce him to sharing a room with his sister.
Countless thanks!”
— Sarah, mom in New York City, NY
“Thank you so much for all of your guidance and support. After 2 years of not wanting to sleep in his bed, waking up 4-5 times a night, and waking up very early, our 3 1/2 year old son is now consistently sleeping through the night! He is well-rested, happy, and knows what is expected of him. What an amazing change from 4 weeks ago! We are finally getting some sleep! You are greatly appreciated.”
— Matt, dad in Western Springs, IL
“I can’t even describe in words how incredible our experience in working with Kim has been. She made me feel both comfortable and very confident in her as a professional from the moment I called her.
Our 4.5 month old son was waking up 5-6 times a night and would never nap for more than 30-45 minutes at a time. It was a struggle to get him to go down and we sometimes spent up to 30 minutes rocking him just so we could tiptoe over to his crib and hopefully get him down sleeping.
On the fourth night of sleep training with Kim, our little guy slept 12 hours and has ever since that night. He doesn’t fuss for more than a couple minutes when he goes down at naps or at night. He now takes three naps a day and they last for much longer than an hour. What seemed like the impossible to me last month is now our reality. Both my husband and I feel like new people and we are ALL, including our little one, so much happier. I would highly recommend Kim for anyone having sleep problems with their children. She is highly knowledgeable, very available and overall just a wonderful woman to work with.
Thanks again Kim, we can’t even express how grateful we are to you!”
— Becky, mom in Chicago, IL
“I just wanted to say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am now the proud mommy of an excellent sleeper. My little boy now wakes up happy and goes to sleep happy. I never thought in a million years I would be able to put him in his crib awake and he would fall asleep on his own. I am so grateful to you for encouraging me to be the best parent that I can be! Thank you, Kim!”
— Deana, mom in Inman, SC
“A long, long overdue thank you for helping our family teach our 3 year old how to sleep in past 4:30am! Finn is doing so well with his new routine. Bedtime is a breeze, lights out by 7pm, and he stays in his room until 7am. Drastic improvement. Having our evenings and mornings back is priceless!
You’ve done an amazing thing for our family. From the bottom of my heart, I so appreciate you helping us out!”
— Sarah, mom in Winnetka, IL
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your help and support! You not only fixed our sleep problems, but solved Graham’s stomach issues which have been plaguing us since birth!! Wish I had talked to you earlier! You are a complete lifesaver and I am so very thankful for all of your help and support!!
We called Kim when our son was 6 months old. We were exhausted from not sleeping for 6 months and didn’t know what to do! Our son has never been much of a sleeper and for the first three months we chalked it up to his reflux and bad stomach problems. We spent the next three months still battling stomach issues and frequent night wakings. By the time he was almost 6 months old, I was too tired to think straight to figure out how to get him to start sleeping through the night. I called Kim and immediately felt better. She put together a perfect plan taking into account his reflux and stomach issues (which she solved by changing our diets!). Graham had been waking up 3-5 times a night and taking terrible naps. I thought because he was a breastfed baby he needed to be fed during the night (something many websites and my Pediatrician all said was normal and made me feel like I needed to continue doing) so I was still nursing him twice a night which was a part of our problem. With Kim’s help and encouragement we started on her sleep plan and he is now sleeping through the night!
We read so many stories about parents who had to let their children cry for 45 minutes one night and then he slept through the night from then on. Well, for parents who have that baby – you are lucky!! For parents who have a baby like ours – it took almost a week for him to get the hang of things…but now he’s sleeping through the night! So, if you have a baby who is a bit stubborn and has bad sleep habits set your expectations that it might take longer than a day or two and stick to the plan. Kim is a miracle worker and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to call her!! We are finally a well rested family and it is all thanks to Kim!”
— Christy, mom in Shaker Heights, OH
“Sleep! Something I was wanting so badly for my 2 year old son and my family. It was very rare that we were getting any sleep 2 weeks ago because of night wakings and my son waking WAY too early. Now my son is sleeping 11-12 hours a night! That’s right! All this thanks to you–you gave me the tools and a schedule that fit my life.
My son had woken several times a night since birth and had never slept in past 5 am. The sleep books that worked for my daughter never worked or even gave me the exact tools to help my son. I had to do something about it. I was exhausted and was not going to settle with other mothers telling me to get used to it. No way! I was told about Kim and contacted her. It all started with an email and from there a phone consultation. Then she gave me the new schedule by email and we had follow up phone calls. We dove in and started right away and after the first night, my son was sleeping almost 11 hours. He began taking a long nap again and never woke in the night after the first day of applying her methods. To top that off, he slept in after 2 nights and it just got better and better. It’s been 3 weeks and we are doing great! My son is waking up happy and rested (around 7:00am) and so am I!
I gained confidence and control of my son’s schedule. He is talking more, playing more and so happy! Don’t wait if you are going through sleeping issues with your precious babies/toddlers. It’s worth it in every way possible. Thank you Kim!”
— Stephanie, mom in Alexandria, VA
“The day we started working with you, Avery was exactly 3 months old. She was waking three times a night at 10-10:30pm, 1-1:30am and 4-4:30am, and I gave her a bottle each time. On Night 3 of our training, I put her in bed at 6:40pm and she slept until 7:00am…NO WAKE-UPS!!! Each night since, she has slept all the way through!
When I put her in her crib now, she goes right to sleep. She really loves her crib and her room. It’s great not to see her fuss to fall asleep. I am so proud of her!
I’m so happy we did this when she was so little and we didn’t have to deal with sleep deprivation any longer. This is the most sleep I’ve gotten since she was born!”
— Karen, mom in Philadelphia, PA
“It’s hard to think that before we met you, our three year old daughter had never fallen asleep in her bed by herself.
I remember as an infant, she would only fall asleep while being breastfed–nothing else would do the trick. When I stopped breast feeding, she still would not fall asleep on her own and things got worse. She made her own little sleeping routine where she needed me, her pacifier and worst of all, she had to pinch my arm to sooth herself. No one else could bring her to bed, not even my husband. Babysitters would have to have her fall asleep on the couch, watching TV till late at night. Bedtime could take hours and many times, I would end up falling asleep with her in her bed and sleeping there half of the night.
After our first meeting, you gave us our plan and put us on the right track!
With your support I could see a change in our daughter’s behavior after just 2 days. And after a few more days she was suddenly happy to go to bed. You helped us get rid of the pacifier, the pinching of my arm and the best thing of all, you showed us how to make her fall asleep all by herself!
I can’t say enough good things about this program! It has brought such a great change to our whole family! Anyone can put her to bed now, I can read a book for my older son each night before he goes to bed and I can have dinner and quality time with my husband in the evenings at a normal hour.
I would highly recommend that anyone with a child with sleep issues should call you!”
— Kristine, mom in Winnetka, IL
“Thanks so much for taking the time to work with us on solving our son’s sleep challenges.
Before we sat down with you, he was going to bed at 9:30pm on a regular basis and often had a difficult time settling to sleep. We had tried to get him to bed sooner, but between a busy after-school schedule, homework, music, sibling distractions, and his sugar cravings, we were missing that “window” during which he could easily fall asleep.
Thanks to your custom plan and list of suggestions, he is now going to bed on time (no later than 7:45) and staying in bed. He falls asleep easily and seems like a different child in the morning. He gets up when he’s supposed to and isn’t tired or hyperactive throughout the day. He is able to focus on schoolwork and other activities without a problem.
Getting the bedtime routine down has had a ripple affect on our entire household. Not only does this give my husband and I our evenings back, but it makes it easier for our other two children to fall asleep on time, as well. My husband and I have more time in the evenings to get our stuff done so WE can get sleep. With proper rest, we’re all happier, healthier and more productive during the day.”
— Stephanie, mom in Wilmette, IL
“I am so thankful for your help solving Souvie’s sleep issues. We couldn’t have done it without you.
From the moment we had our first call I knew we had found the right person to help us develop healthy sleep habits for our daughter. We were at our breaking point when we called because we had had been dealing with our 6 month old daughter’s night wakings since she was 2 months old. Needless to say it was a long 4 months before we met Kim.
Kim asked all the right questions and gave us a plan that we felt could be easily implemented. She explained that our daughter was reliant on sleep props that weren’t going to work for much longer, so it was a good thing we were working towards fixing her issues now. The first two nights were the hardest, but once those nights were past us we made new breakthroughs each night."
We can’t thank Kim enough for her help!”
— Ashley and Paul, parents in Portland, OR
“When our son Gus was 14 months old he was still having trouble sleeping through the night – there was frequent waking and crying. His naps were fragmented and seemed unproductive. After we had let him “cry it out” for a week without any change, I could see no way to remedy the situation. My husband and I have three older children, and “crying it out” was a process that had worked quickly and efficiently for them.
After meeting with Kim and describing all of Gus’ sleep routines and disturbances, we talked about possible ways to correct his sleep problems. Kim told me that Gus was over-tired, and this was preventing him from getting quality night time sleep. She made several recommendations regarding bed time, the getting ready for bed routine, and response to night waking.
When I implemented her specific instructions, it took only four days for Gus to “catch up” on his sleep and begin resting undisturbed overnight. Gus is now 18 months old. We’ve gotten off track a few times when he was ill, but each time we just start over with the instructions Kim gave us and the problem resolves within a few days and he’s back to sleeping well – almost 12 hours a night with a two hour nap during the day.
I credit Kim and her understanding of children’s sleep needs with Gus’ sleeping success. I am so glad I had the opportunity to have Kim’s help.”
— April, mom in Evanston, IL
“I have worked with Kim’s clients both BEFORE and AFTER they’ve gone through her sleep training program. As an experienced babysitter, I have noticed a huge difference! With Kim’s help, the children are more relaxed, far more confident and are happy to show off their new “sleep skills” to me. They know the routine and don’t fuss at bedtime. The peace of mind, not only for me but the parents as well, of knowing that both myself and the child feel comfortable with the bedtime routine, is priceless. Whenever I get a call to babysit for one of Kim’s clients, I am excited–it makes the experience so much more enjoyable when we can play and have fun and not spend time worrying about bedtime!”
— Megan, Chicago, IL
“Thank you so much for ALL of your help and advice. I can’t thank you enough for helping us with Mya…she is a joy and a blessing and a TODDLER!!! We’ve learned a lot not only about sleeping but about staying in control and not letting her take the control away from us. I will certainly recommend your services to everyone!
Thank you so much again and God Bless You!!!”
— Theresa and Brian, parents in St. Joseph, MO