Can’t remember the last time you slept for more than two hours in a row?
Have you shhhh-ed your baby to sleep til you just about passed out?
Embarrassed to leave your child with a sitter because of the “measures” you need to take to get your baby to sleep?
Tired of walking on eggshells every night once the little one goes down – just TIRED in general?
I hear you. I’ve been in your bunny slippers.
I know what it’s like to think you’ll never get a good night’s sleep again. To snap at the almost-too-friendly Trader Joe’s employee because you’re just trying to get through the morning on 43 minutes of sleep.
But I’ve got fabulous news, my friend. There IS an answer to this problem, and I’m here to help you find it!
I’m Kim Schaf, pediatric sleep consultant and the founder of Sleep Training Solutions. My most important title, however, is “Mom.”
My first son slept like a baby. (Why is that the saying, anyway?!)
When #2 arrived, he completely threw us for a loop. Not only was he waking up four times a night until he was 18 months old (!?), but the process of actually getting him to sleep was ridiculous.
I’d swaddle him, strap him in the swing, pop in a pacifier, put the mobile on above his head with the lights and music, then turn up the white noise in his room.
I’d make sure he was in DEEP sleep before getting up from the glider, walking very slowly to the crib, gently lowering him down inch by inch, then removing one hand at a time and dropping to the floor and army crawling out.
And that was just to sleep 45 minutes (or less) at a time!
Are you nodding? Sound very familiar?
After hitting rock bottom one night, I found a sleep training program online at 2am, we started it the following night and within days, he was falling asleep on his own and sleeping allllll night.
After our experience with our son’s sleep issues, I got certified and started Sleep Training Solutions in 2011 to help moms (and their babies!) get more sleep.
I’m like a sleep detective.
I look at the whole picture – not just what’s happening in the bedroom.
A huge variety of factors contribute to sleep – routine, sleep props, schedule, feeding times and/or diet, overstimulation, clothing, bedroom environment, developmental milestones, etc. – and I will crack the code and figure out what is preventing your little one from sleeping all night and FIX the problem.
I work with my sleepy clients to get to the bottom of what’s keeping their child awake at night and get on top of a schedule that works for EVERYONE.
Sweet dreams!
Here’s how we can work together:
Baby Sleep Course
Up all night and at your wit’s end at 5am? Don’t wait until office hours start! Start this self-study course in your PJs, from your couch, any time of day or night.
1-1 Virtual
Work with me remotely to get a personalized plan with 1-1 coaching and follow-up support every step of the way as you implement your sleep plan for your child.
Overnight Support
Want me by your side on Night 1? I’ll show you step-by-step exactly what to do in real time for bedtime and nightwakings & give you motivation and pep talks at 2am!
I called Kim in desperation with 5 year old twin boys who have always struggled with sleep. All of a sudden we had reached this age with little sleep improvement over the years.
Within one week of working with Kim, our boys' sleep habits had drastically changed! By the end of our 3 week session, we felt like a new family and everyone is so much happier - with an easier and quicker bedtime routine and having them sleep through the night - and tools to handle any challenges that come our way in the future!
We are grateful to Kim for her help to get our family on the right track. Kim, you have changed our lives for the better and we are so thankful.
— Natalie, mom from Kansas

Fun facts about me…
1. I’m hooked on National Parks
I took my kids to Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and the Valley of Fire and I can’t believe it took me so long to plan that type of trip.
It was the perfect time to go (end of March for Spring Break). It was MUCH less crowded than summer time and temps ranged from 45 F in the morning to 70 F in the afternoons.
These parks are out-of-this-world beautiful. It felt like I was hiking in a painting at Zion. It didn’t seem real.
And the big bonus? There’s no cell signal (for the most part) when you’re out in the middle of nowhere, so my teens truly unplugged for the FIRST TIME EVER.
2. I had asthma for 30+ years…and then it “magically” disappeared
When I was little, I would wake up in the middle of the night several times a week because I couldn’t breathe. Sometimes my mom gave me extra puffs of an inhaler…and sometimes we ended up in the ER.
By the time I was an adult, I was on a maintenance inhaler, an emergency inhaler, and a nebulizer…plus an RX that eventually needed a warning on the box that it may cause suicidal tendencies. Ugh!
I’m a big researcher and knew there had to be a way to get off some of these potent meds. I researched A LOT, and then changed my diet and the items I was using on a daily basis in my environment and within a month, I was off all prescriptions...and haven’t needed any since.
Here’s a pic of my dusty, old nebulizer that I found Spring Cleaning a few years ago with 7-year-old expired albuterol vials.
One of the best parts is (obviously!) being able to breathe but also, I work with so many kiddos with asthma that a) I can relate to the scariness of not being able to get a good breathe in and how the medicine can hype you up so you can’t fall asleep and 2) I’ve been able to help other families with their asthma struggles too.
3. I can’t stand mushrooms but I LOVE cilantro
Button, portello, shiitaki - it doesn’t matter what kind, but if there’s a mushroom in a dish I’m served I will pick out every. single. one. of. those. suckers and put them on my husband’s plate (who oddly can’t get enough of them).
Cilantro on the other hand is something I could eat everyday (I love Mexican food!)…
Isn’t it funny how people have such love-hate relationships with certain foods? I bet there will be swarms of people reading this who loooove mushrooms and think cilantro tastes like soap. I won’t hold it against you - we can still be friends.

The days are long but the years are short…
One minute my boys were glued to Saturday morning cartoons and I couldn’t get 30 seconds to pee alone without someone yelling “Mommmmmm!”…and then I blinked and my oldest graduated from high school. It goes fast. So fast.
I want you to enjoy every minute…and it’s so much easier to do that when you and your child aren’t sleep deprived. Let’s get your child’s sleep on track so your whole family is ready to start each day and make memories!