Sleep Products
There are so many products on the market that can help promote healthy sleep. Here are some of my favorites.
Portable Travel Crib
If you’re planning on taking a portable crib on a flight, this one is lightweight, easy to set up and works with the SlumberPod. If you’ll be travelling by car, a pack n play is a great solution.
Perfect for using with room sharing in parents room, in a room that is hard to blackout from early morning sun, or while traveling to create a perfectly dark sleeping environment for your child in a pack n play.
White Noise Machine
No waves, rain sounds, vacuums, birds chirping or night bugs. This one is true white noise that can be adjusted for tone and volume and run continuously (not cycle in 30-45 minute intervals). This one is MY FAVORITE!
Stroller Nap Cover
This fits all single strollers and protects from sun, wind and bugs and provides a darker environment for on-the-go naps blocking 94% of light. Suitable for babies 6 months and older.
Blackout Shades
True blackout shades block the perimeter light so ZERO light comes through. These passed the test with flying colors - attaching with velcro along the perimeter for a seamless fit - but are not always available to ship quickly.
Blackout Shades - II
If you need functional blackout shades quickly that are cheap enough to be disposable until you find a more permanent solution, these are usually available to ship quickly, come in a 6-pack, and are simple to put up.
Toddler Clock
Essential for early risers! You can program (the dimmable) colors (i.e. time-for-bed as red and time-to-wake as green), use the white noise feature if you don’t already have a Dohm, and control everything from the app.
Blue light from traditional nightlights can affect melatonin production. These amber nightlights block 99.95% of blue light, are dimmable and are small enough that they don’t block the other outlet.
Nursery Thermometer
Not specifically made for a nursery (so you’re not paying the “baby premium”) - just shows the indoor temp and humidity (important to track if you’re running a humidifier so you don’t have an issue with mold growth).
Congested Babies
This oddly ingenious contraption helps clear those little nostrils so baby can breathe better because it’s very hard to be successful with sleep training when baby can’t breathe well!
Congested Babies - II
This is one of the few over-the-counter products that babies can actually use when they’re congested! This is all-natural and rinses, reduces tissue inflammation and moisturizes the sinus tissue.
Congested Babies - III
When babies and toddlers have colds, they just hate it when you wipe their noses with tissues - these are so soft and soothing with Aloe, Chamomile, and Vitamin E that my kids still (as teens!) ask for them when they get sick!
Video Monitor
Great battery life, longer range, 360 view, hack-proof (for security) and active noise cancelling (only hear baby - not the noise machine) - there’s a reason this video monitor has 5 stars on Amazon!
Bed Rails
These help a child from rolling out of their bed without feeling caged in as some rails do. They’re also much simpler to install. They come in single or twin-packs, depending on whether the bed is against the wall or not.
This is a visual cue of time so even littler ones can grasp the concept of time (and how much they have left) - use for starting the bedtime routine, getting out of the bath, screentime - there are endless possibilities!
It’s personal preference whether you like wrapping baby in a traditional swaddle blanket or an adjustable wrap. My two cents: these muslin blankets are more versatile and you’ll find uses for them after the swaddle days are over.
Swaddle Transition
If you have a Houdini who always escapes from the swaddle or a baby who always tries to scratch his face, try this. Also safe to use when baby shows signs of rolling over, but not quite ready for a sleep sack.
Sleep Sacks
Sleep sacks are wearable blankets that come in cotton, fleece and wool and have varying TOG levels for warmth for baby through preschooler. Choose one without the swaddle option. Have 2-3 so you have backups!
Dog Tag Silencer
Does your dog shake - and jingle those tags loudly - EVERY time your baby goes down for a nap or in the middle of the night when he’s sleeping in your room? These will solve that problem. Genius!
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